Time To Plant According To The Mountain

by Janet Johnson

If you've lived in Wasatch County for a while, you've probably heard of this legend; especially if you're a gardener.  Wasatch County old timers like to say,  “Don’t plant your crops until you can see the horse on the mountain!” This, of course, refers to the horse's head that is visible in the spring on the North end of Mount Timpanogos snowfield. We have asked several  Wasatch County lifelong  residents about this legend. What's their response? "I’ve lived here all my life and have heard about the horse head planting advice since I was little, but I have no idea where the saying came from." Though technically the horse's head is in Utah County, the view is all ours here in Wasatch County.  While some local stories indicate there were Indian “legends” associated with the head, there is no record of the Timpanogos Nation having such legends. This valley was part of the Timpanogos Nation.


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